Save thousands by getting veneers done in Colombia
You can get veneers done in Colombia for about a third the price compared to the US. There 3 different types of veneers. Porcelain, composite and zirconium. Their differences are as follows:
Zirconium Veneers
Also known as indirect, prep, ceramic
2-5 day procedure in lab
Lasts 20 years
No maintenance
Minimal tooth sanding
Won’t chip or stain
Least Affordable
Best long term value
Porcelain Veneers
Also known as indirect, prep, ceramic
2-5 day procedure in lab
Lasts 20 years
No maintenance
Minimal tooth sanding (0.3 mm)
Won’t chip or stain
More Affordable
Good long term value
Composite Veneers
Also known as direct, resin, prepless, or 80% porcelain/20% composite
2 day procedure in office
Lasts 7 years
Frequent maintenance required, done by any dentist
No tooth shaving
Most Affordable
Will chip and stain
Zirconium veneers vs composite veneer vs porcelain veneers in Colombia, what’s best?
Besides prices that are a few other
variables you need to consider. If your a good fit for the procedure? How long the veneers will last? How long it’ll take to get done? what kind of maintenance or if shaving is required?. And of course, travel costs.
Are you a good candidate for zirconium, composite or porcelain veneers?
First things you have to do is either see your local dentist and get a quote, x-rays and a treatment plan OR contact us for our virtual consultation. Typically, photos of your teeth from multiple angles will be enough for a dentist to know.
How long do zirconium, composite and porcelain veneers last?
Composite veneers can last up to 7 years while porcelain veneers can last up to 20 and zirconium can last 20+ years, assuming you take proper care of your teeth, practice good hygiene and don’t eat hard candies or opening things with your mouth.
How long do the composite, porcelain and zirconium and veneers procedures take?
Composite veneers can be completed in 2 days
Porcelain and zirconium veneers will take 2-5
Porcelain and zirconium veneers take long because the they are permanent veneers and need to be sent to a lab to be created. Composite veneers can be done in-house.
These factors effect the number of days you would need to dedicate to travel.
What kind of maintenance is needed for composite, porcelain and zirconium veneers?
Composite veneers stain and chip easily and it is recommend that you get a touched up once a year. Your local dentist can perform this work. It would not be necessary to come back to Colombia.
Porcelain and zirconium veneers do not need any yearly maintenance and last much longer then composite veneers.
Do composite, porcelain and zirconium veneer procedures involve tooth shaving?
Another point of contention between the two procedures is tooth shaving. There is no teeth shaving involved with composite veneers. With porcelain and zirconium there is very minimal shaving.
This is significantly less shaving than normally done for crowns. Some patients don’t like the idea of any shaving though and thus opt for the composites.
What’s the price of a porcelain veneer vs the cost of a composite?
Cost is an important factor when to consider when making a decision in-between the different type of veneers.
Composite veneers range from $150 – $250 per tooth
Porcelain veneers range from $250 – $350 per tooth
Zirconium veneers range from $400 – $500 per tooth
Most patients get 20 veneers for a full smile makeover.
There are many factors that go into picking the right veneers in Colombia.
The price of the procedure, how long the veneers last, how long it takes to get the veneers done, maintenance costs and tooth shaving consideration are important considerations
Any of these options will result in a beautiful smile.
Contact us for more information and a free consultation