Link Between Diabetes, Heart Attacks And Strokes

Diabetes is a disease in which the body either lacks insulin or does not produce enough insulin to break ingested glucose into cells. As a result, the glucose remain in the blood and damage blood vessels. A high content of... Read more

How Long Does Heartburn Last

How Long Does Heatburn Last, Symptoms, and Treatment Heartburn is one of the most common discomforts that almost everyone experiences now and then. However, it can be sometimes hard to distinguish it from a heart attack since their symptoms may... Read more

What is the Most Important Thing to do After a Cancer Diagnosis?

You get a phone call. You suddenly hear the word cancer in the same sentence as your name. Suddenly, your emotions kick in, such as fear, confusion, dismay, and oh so many questions. What to do now? The most important... Read more

GMO’s and Glyphosate, a Disastrous Marriage

It has long been known that pesticides and herbicides are toxic for human consumption. Although their use can increase crop production, they are damaging to our bodies, and even to crop plants when sprayed directly on them. In 1996, Monsanto... Read more

Sierra Nevada Cancer Center Helps Women with Breast Cancer

It is estimated that in the year 2015, about 40,290 wives, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, nieces and sisters will die from breast cancer. However, according to the American Cancer Society, there are currently more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in... Read more

Truths vs Myths Relating to Your Toddler and a Fever

There are lots of myths out there concerning what to do when your child gets a fever. Several of these myths are attributed to your “grandma’s” generation. I am one of those grandmas and I must agree there were many... Read more

5 Orthodontist Advice Which Can Control Bacteria ‘A Catalyst’ Of Cancer Cell Growth

The bacteria ‘fusobacterium nucleatum’ – which has strong links with gum disease – could hamper the resistance of the body to fight with cancer cell growth. These bacteria are the catalyst that cause cancer and when pooled with human tissue... Read more

Dangers Of Lung Cancer

The reason for lung disease has been seen to be the anomalies in cells. The assortment of people naturally controls the creation and development of cells when the body needs them. In the event that there is uncontrolled development of... Read more

Why smoking is bad for smokers lungs

When hard evidence against the harmful effects of tobacco smoking started pouring during 1920s and thereafter, the tobacco companies strongly defended their business by claiming that there was no conclusive proof that smoking caused lung cancer or any other health... Read more

The Good and the Bad of Macular Degeneration Treatment with Stem Cells

Macular degeneration is a threat to our eyesight as we grow old due to the loss of photoreceptor cells. The number of people affected by this disorder is increasing every year, and older people are more vulnerable to this disorder.... Read more